Malcolm Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Alternative Health Medicine Vs. Standard Medicine

Is there any way to accurately compare alternative health medicine to standard medicine? This is a question that many people have on their minds. After all, if you are sick you may want to look into both ways of doing things. The only problem with this is that you need to know the pros and cons of both alternative health medicine and standard medicine. Compiling this information on your own can be a difficult task to say the least.

There is one main reason that many people look into alternative health medicine. Do you know what it is? In most cases, the reason for this is that standard medicine is not working for them. If you find yourself in this position, alternative health medicine is something to look into. After all, if it is going to help you to get better does it really matter how it happens?

Most people who avoid alternative health medicine do so because they are afraid of what it is all about. Remember, alternative health medicine is not nearly as popular as more traditional methods. For this reason, you get a lot of people who stay away from alternative health medicine because they are simply afraid of what it will bring.

If you are interested in learning more about alternative health and standard medicine, you should look into the pros and cons of each one. You may even want to see doctors who practice both types of medicine. This will give you the best chance to determine the pros and cons of each type of medicine.

Overall, both alternative health medicine and standard medicine have a lot to offer. There is no way of saying for sure which one is better for you. Only you can determine if alternative health medicine is better for you, or vice versa.

Laurie J. RaphaelGildas Blog40015
Macintosh Blog63806

Better Sex Tips for Women

A good amount of pleasurable sexual act is undeniably one of the most important components which helps to build and maintain a successful and rewarding relationship. In most cases, good sex speaks louder than words when it comes down to love and intimacy between both partners.

Both partners are equally responsible for giving the others a total sexual pleasure. It is very easy sometimes for a woman to think it is her man's responsibility to give her sexual pleasure and to make her come. From time to time, certain women would also have the idea that they should not be too wild in bed, as this might give their partner a sense of insecurity! This is a total myth and one which should be addressed immediately if she ever hopes to have a totally satisfying relationship!

Women sure can be charming by the way they present themselves and also by the way they dress up. But, men like women who are also great in bed. Men like women who take the initiative and are confident in their sexual act. Men like women who give them complete pleasure and satisfaction at the end of the sexual act and they themselves should feel satisfied with their partners.

It is often said that only when women have 7 times the pleasure as men that women can reach an orgasm. This is totally wrong! The truth is, a woman can have no orgasm but that does not mean she is not satisfied with the sexual experience. At the same time, a woman may have multiple orgasms. The ultimate aim for a woman would be to satisfy her partner and herself.

A woman should devise new ways to excite her man in the beginning and get him involved completely in the sexual act. She can also gift herself or her man sex videos. This is certainly going to turn both of them on. Sex videos are a great resource to learn the finer and more beautiful nuances of sex. Videos also help you learn different better sex positions so that sex does not become a monotonous act.

A better sex tips for women would be to get stimulated in the beginning. Performing sex just for the sake of doing it won't bring in any enthusiasm and pleasure. The most important part is to be you throughout the whole sexual act.

Women should be as flexible as possible in the whole sexual experience. Try out different things to excite your partner. Like, tying a handkerchief around his eyes and then slowly running your fingers on his body or, you can write erotic stories and then narrate them to your partner in order to stimulate him and respond to your demands.

Communication, both verbal and sexual is another important aspect which help to improve your love life. Tell your partner how comfortable you feel in his arms and thank him for the great sexual experience. Tell him that you would like to take the fantastic journey as much as you can. This is sure going to build a stronger sexual bond between you and your partner.

You can also create an environment to excite your partner like lighting candles in the room, keeping the room dark, playing soft love songs which you both enjoy and so on.

At the end of the day, it is a matter of communication, both verbal and sexual, that is going to make your relationship works. Be selfless and live for the moment for each other.

Leah Holden is The "Better Sex Expert". Leah's mission is sharing her vast array of sexual knowledge with individuals and couples. To spice up your sex life, please visit Leah's blog, http://better--sex.blogspot.comAide Blog17337
Clarisse Blog7669

Is It Time for Wireless E-Commerce?

The answer is yes. According to Bill Watterson, author of Calvin and Hobbes, The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present. Businesses are well aware of mobile phones potential for wireless marketing, advertising, sales, and payments although many thought this potential would be realized somewhere down the road. But it seems like that future is now here.

Critical Mass

Almost a third of North Americans now say they could not live without their cell phone and these devices are rapidly evolving into more than a mere portable tool for voice communications. According to a recent study [AP 2006] Americans have become addicted to their cell phones, with four out of 10 adults aged 18 to 29 considering dropping their landline service. In fact, almost a third (29%) say they could not live without their cell phone. The mobile has reached critical mass.

Thirty-five percent of those surveyed say they send SMS text messages, including 65% of those ages 18-29 and 37% of those aged 30-49. At the same time, 18% say they have used or would like to use a mobile instant messaging service on their cell phone. Meanwhile, 38% say they would like to have desktop IMs from select contacts automatically forwarded to their mobile device, including 50% of those ages 18-29.

In terms of must-have features when buying a new handset, the top-runners are: mobile maps (51%), text messaging (48%), and a built-in camera (47%) top the list, followed by games (34%), mobile email (32%), and mobile search (31%).

New Applications

The new .MOBI top level domain is expected to eliminate some basic problems associated with mobile browsing of ordinary Web sites, including large graphics and multimedia content. The new standards will ensure content works for Web browsing, mobile messaging, and device compliance on mobile devices. [Sullivan 2006]

Internet access via mobile phones is actually outpacing wireless access from a notebook PC in many countries with 56% of global mobile phone users browsing the Internet or downloading email in 2005. In Japan 92% of users went online via their mobiles. Rates are high in France and UK as well but flattening in North America. [eMarketer 2006]

About 20% of mobile phone users are already receptive to relevant advertising, if done correctly. Apparently understanding the trade-off of ads for services, over a third of users said they would also be willing to provide advertisers some personal information. [Burns 2005]

Podcasting and cell phones already offer a powerful synergy. Recently Mobilcast announced that it will help NPR deliver 45 of its podcasts to mobile phone users. NPR has had nearly 18 million downloads of its podcasts since its launch at the end of August 2005. [NPR 2006]

Mobile Video

According to an eMarketer report, This is the year that carriers, content providers and marketers are sitting up, taking notice and starting to experiment and invest in mobile television initiatives.

JupiterResearch also finds that the mobile video market is expected to grow by roughly eight times its 2005 revenue size by the end of the decade. In 2005 revenues from mobile video content reached $62 million. By 2010, the number is expected to reach $501 million. [Burns 2006]

From a technical point-of-view, the two key developments for mobile TV are growth in smartphones and growth of advanced 3G networks. Although adoption has been slow to date, these will move mobile TV past the pilot stage toward critical mass and finally to mass-market penetration.

A new study from London-based research company Red Bee Media and British digital media research agency iBurbia indicates that consumers will pay for video they value and are also willing to accept some advertising. [Video Content 2006]

But already consumer interest bodes well for the mobile industry as vendors use different business models to try and tap into this consumer demand," said Julie Ask, Research Director at JupiterResearch. "The challenge is not interest but rather finding the correct mix of premium content and price points." In the longer term, adoption is expected to depend more on business models and content offerings than on the technology or devices, [JupiterResearch 2006]

Keitai Culture

We may be only a hop-skip-and-jump away from something the Japanese know all about alreadykeitai culture. Theres more to it than just owning a fancy cell phone.

Mobile communications have become part of popular culture and everyday behavior for many Japanese. With over 72% penetration, most everyone between the ages of 12 and 50 (89 million) has a mobile phone. This may provide a proactive glimpse of our own future. By understanding how a once-alien technology became such a natural extension of everyday life in Japan, we may yet understand what is in store for the rest of the world. [Jardin 2005]

As personal network keys, keitai open doors to other media such as audio and video. They also function as remote controls, letting owners change television channels or operate DVD players. Five million Japanese now subscribe to TV guides on their phones and Sony is offering a hard disk recorder that can be programmed remotely by cell phone.

Cell phones open doors in other ways too: The embedded circuitry in newer mobiles, once programmed, also authorizes entry through corporate security doors and functions as an electronic key for some homes. Once a child returns from school and flashes the phone over a reader, the phone opens the door and automatically sends an email to the parent reporting his or her arrival. [Johnson 2006]

Future Present

Keitai culture is the present in Japan but all signs suggest that its our rapidly developing futureand entrepreneurs need to think ahead.

Considering the growing critical mass, new standards, and expanding applications for cell phones, small businesses can no longer afford to ignore their potential for marketing, advertising, sales, and payments. This is especially true in the case of Web-based businessessince mobiles increasingly appear less a device just to make phone calls with and more a general information, content, and Internet appliance.


AP-AOL-Pew Research Center Mobile Lifestyle Survey, AOL Mobile 04/03/06.
Enid Burns. Mobile Users Will Take a Few Ads, ClickZ Stats 09/14/05.
Enid Burns. Mobile Video Market Set for Growth, ClickZ Stats 03/28/06.
Xeni Jardin. How Mobile Phones Conquered Japan, Wired News 08/19/05.
Tim Johnson. In Japan, Mobile Phones Replacing Wallets, Keys, Credit Cards, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau 04/25/06.
JupiterResearch: Mobile Video Revs to Reach $500MM, MarketingVOX 03/29/06.
NPR Podcasts Come to Mobile Phones, Marketing VOX 03/29/06.
Laurie Sullivan. Mobile Domains For Sale In May, Information Week 03/30/06.
Video Content on Mobiles: Short Preferred, Ads Tolerated, Marketing VOX 04/10/06.
Will the Mobile Phone Become the Dominant Internet Platform? eMarketer 04/21/06.

Dr Paul Nicholls is a regular fixture at where you can find many more ebiz resources for the new or seasoned online entrepreneur: blogs, tutorials, programs and support. Visit us at Blog84066
Carmen Blog69656

Finding An Affordable Web Site Hosting Plan

Finding an affordable web site hosting plan is a must for new businesses or established businesses that are on a budget. Of course, as with most things, this is much easier said than done.

There are tons of hosting companies out there that claim to offer free or cheap web site hosting, but many of them have hidden fees or low quality services. A supposedly affordable web site hosting plan can quickly turn into a costly nightmare if you aren't careful. This is why it is essential that you do your homework and research a number of hosting companies before making any final decisions.

Comparing Costs

If you are looking for cheap web site hosting, then you will obviously need to compare the costs that are charged by different hosting companies. Specific costs to look at when searching for an affordable web site hosting plan include site set up fees, monthly or annual maintenance fees, and any other fees that may be associated with the plan.

It should be noted that some hosting companies offer free set-up. If you can find a web host who is offering this in addition to low monthly hosting fees, you will of course be much better with this host versus another who makes you pay for the same service.


Things to compare in addition to the cost when looking for cheap web site hosting services include the amount of storage space received with the plan, the programming languages supported by the web host, and the amount of customer support offered. Some hosting companies will offer all of these features in their basic or most affordable web site hosting plan, and others will not.

You will also want to take a look at the other services offered by the web hosting companies that you are considering. Some cheap web site hosting companies provide additional services such as domain name registration and web building tools. If you haven't purchased a domain name yet or if you need help building your website, you may want to check to see if these services can be combined with the company's most affordable web hosting plan. This could save you an enormous amount of money.

Other Considerations

If you have found a cheap web site hosting plan that has all of the features you need to build your web site, there are still a few other things that will need to be taken into consideration before you sign on the dotted linethe most important being reliability.

Some hosting companies who offer an affordable web hosting plan have one major downfall: they aren't always reliable. Because you need the web site to work when people try to access it, reliability is going to be a must. This is why you should always ask hosting companies about downtime before signing up for cheap web site hosting. Last, but not least, you need to make sure that you will have all of the support you need if you choose the most affordable web hosting plan that is being offered to you. Specific things to ask about include technical support response time and customer service representative availability.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Marc Blog52205
Emilie Blog69032

How To Stop Sabotaging Your Success?

Robert Waldo Emerson said, We must be our own before we can be anothers. It is an interesting concept. To truly be something for someone else, we need to first be something for ourselves.

Perhaps there is an idea within Emersons words that we can use not as a tool for relationships, but as a tool for our own individual efforts. Perhaps we must let ourselves be, in order to actually be ourselves.

Have you ever imagined a different life for yourself? Do you dream of a time when you have an alternate career, more freedom, greater wealth, or a better relationship? Does your mind ever create a vision where you are happier, more content, and more fulfilled with life?

Most people have those visions or dreams at some point in their lives. Some are able to take those dreams and turn them into realities. How do they do it? How is it that they are able to let themselves be, so that they can be themselves? One key component is that they dont sabotage their own success.

Are you having trouble turning your dreams into your realities? Is the life you imagine for yourself stuck in your imagination? If your answer is yes, or YES!, then perhaps you are your own biggest challenge. Perhaps you are sabotaging yourself.

If so, dont worry. With the four steps listed below, you can learn to turn sabotage into success.

Step #1 Look at the Past

Think back over the last three to five years, and identify the ten most significant success goals that you thought about achieving, but did not. List them out on a piece of paper and include what the goal was, why you wanted to achieve it, what steps you took to try and accomplish it, and what prevented you from reaching it. Be as honest with yourself as possible. After all, this exercise is for you.

Here is an example of how this should look:

My Success Goal: Change jobs to something I find more interesting.

Why I Wanted To Achieve This Goal: My current job wasnt challenging, I didnt like my boss, and I felt like my career was stagnating.

What Steps I Took to Try and Accomplish This Goal: Talked to my friends about it and looked in the newspaper a few times.

What Prevented Me from Reaching My Goal: I didnt see immediate result from my efforts, so I lost interest.

When you are figuring out the answer to What prevented me from reaching my goal, use the Five Why test to dig a little deeper on your answers. For example, in the previous illustration you would ask yourself Why did I lose interest when I didnt see immediate results? Continue to ask Why? about your answers until you have gotten to the underlying reason. Usually this requires asking why five or six times.

Step #2 Find the Patterns

When you have all of your information down on the paper, look for patterns across the ten efforts. What common behaviors did you exhibit as you were working toward your goals? At what point did the goals become unattainable or no longer worth pursuing? See if there are one or two main themes that stand out in your answers? Write down what you uncover.

Step #3 Identify Why the Patterns Exist

Philosopher George Santayana is known for his comment that Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This is particularly applicable to our own lives. Learning why we do the things we do is critical to enabling us to change our behavior.

Find a place where you can be alone with no distractions or disturbances and look at the patterns you identified in Step #2. Why do they exist? Think about events, people, or experiences that have impacted your life. What influenced you and probably is still influencing you, to act the way you do?

When you were a child did someone say something that forever changed the way you viewed yourself? Are your actions similar to the ways your parents act? At some point in your life did you witness an event that modified the way you react in certain situations? Do you have a particular fear that keeps surfacing when you try to achieve your goals? Did a particular event with a boss or co-worker leave a lasting scar?

Be ready for some surprises with this step. Many of us dont often have time to just be in a quiet environment and think. That alone may seem a little unusual at first. Stay with it, because as you start to unlock the pieces of your own personal puzzle, you are likely to have some major AHA moments. Be ready to uncover factors that have been driving you to act the way you do; factors that may be the reason you are sabotaging your own success.

Write down your findings as you go through this. Dont focus on capturing your thoughts in a way that is grammatically correct, or makes sense. Instead, capture whatever jumps into your mind. Start writing as soon as you have a thought because the act of writing will stimulate your brain and enable you to tap into your true views and emotions.

Continue writing until youre out of thoughts on a particular pattern, and then move on to the next pattern.

Step #4 Choose a Different Pattern

The great thing about uncovering a pattern, is once you understand why it exists, it makes it much easier to choose a different one. For example, suppose you find that each time you are just about to make a decision, you second guess yourself and back out at the last minute. In going through Step #3, you uncover that this behavior is something you started to do as a child after a teacher embarrassed you in front of the class because of a decision you made.

Knowing the source of the pattern enables you to evaluate it as you are now, not as you were when it was created. Now as an adult you can look back on that event and realize that the problem was not with you the student, but was with the teacher. Therefore, you dont need to act that way anymore. Now you can choose to act in the way you want. You can choose a new pattern, one that supports your efforts, not sabotages them.

If you are struggling to find new patterns to use in place of your old ones, watch other people. Look for individuals who are succeeding in the way you want to succeed, and at the activities you want to be successful at. Watch what they do in different situations. Ask them how they feel in a particular environment, or how they handle different scenarios. Then select and imitate the patterns that are aligned with who you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

We must let ourselves be, in order to be ourselves. Find the patterns in your life that are keeping you from turning your dreams into your realities. Let yourself be you, and go from sabotage to success.

John P. Strelecky is the international best selling author of The Why Cafe-, and a highly sought after inspirational speaker on; Why are you here and what do you want to do about it? He has shared the best seller list with among others, Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie/The Five People You Meet in Heaven), Malcolm Gladwell (Blink/The Tipping Point), Thomas Friedman (The World is Flat), and Stephen J. Dubner (Freakonomics). Through Johns books, CDs, articles, and appearances on television and radio, he has positively impacted the lives of millions of people. John can be reached through his website at, or by calling 407-342-4181.Bernadette Blog8511
Enzyme Blog65889

An Apple Fan's Review of the MacBook

First, the bad stuff. Sadly, there are 1 or 2 dead pixels on the glossy wide-screen, but a quick look around the Internet and I've realized there's not a lot of point taking it back because low end TFTs can suffer from dead pixels. It's only when you pay more for a "pixel-perfect" display that there is a return policy on dead pixels. Oh well.

That aside, it has all the trade marks of a classic Apple product. The packaging was superb, and minimal. In fact, I've noticed a trend in packaging. My new Sony Rescission K310i from Orange came in a box barely big enough to fit everything in. It's good to see manufacturers producing packaging solutions that are both functional and well designed.

Once out the box, the MacBook looks simply stunning. The outer casing is a similar white polycarbonate (I believe) to the iBook. Opening the MacBook is a joy - there are no latches or buttons, it's all magnetically done. Opened, the MacBook is a departure to Apple laptops of the past. The keyboard keys are spaced out more and flatter, and the casing is the same ceramic-like material that is found on the base of the Mac Mini.

The connections on the left of the MacBook are the usual stuff, with one notable exception - the MagSafe power connection. It's a small, rectangular port and is also magnetically charged. When plugging in the power adaptor, the connector literally snaps into place due to the magnet. Very neat. The concept is simple, if the power cord is ripped out, instead of pulling the laptop with it, the MagSafe connector just comes out.

Powering up is quick and simple, and after the standard Tiger set up, we're up and running. Only a password was required to connect to my wireless network (new MacBooks have Airport built in) and a few more minutes tinkering had the MacBook set up how I like my Macs to be.

The first noticeable thing is how bright the 13.3 inch display is compared to my old 12 inch Powerbook. I can see me having to turn the brightness down to avoid headaches. The keyboard, which I was worried about, turns out to be almost as usable as a standard keyboard, with lovely positive feedback. Again, a definite improvement over my Powerbook.

After a few minutes playing on the Internet and trying to fix the couple of dead pixels (to no avail) I had a good play, running a few apps to see how the machine responded. General OS stuff is super quick (although the Quad Xeon I played with in the Trafford Centre was slightly quicker!).

From what I've seen so far, I'm impressed. With a 2GHz Intel chip, 1 Gig of RAM and an 80 Gig hard drive, it's got plenty to keep me going (although one of the first websites I visited was Crucial to price up the 2 Gig kit).

James Ashberry is a die-hard fan of Apple products. Read more of James' rantings at James Ashberry's Blog. Web Design Liverpool - Blog83665
Gabriel Blog32942

Tis The Season To Save $$$!

Just one of the many Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters

Would you like to save up to 50% on your next water heating bill and have an endless supply of hot water?


With tankless water heaters you can enjoy an endless supply of instantaneous, on-demand hot water 24 hours a day. Water is instantly heated as it flows through the tankless water heater but only for the time you are using it. When the hot water tap is turned off it closes immediately. Conventional tank water heaters operate differently in that they will heat water temperatures in the tank to a preferred temperature setting despite if you are using the water or not. The temperature is typically much higher in a tank than anyone could tolerate because cold water is added to the hot water, resulting in standby losses.


Another benefit of tankless water heaters is you will no longer need an extra room to house your bulky conventional tank heater. Tankless water heaters are about the size of a phone book and can be hung on the wall or installed under sinks or placed in closets.


Unlike tankless water heaters where the water temperature is controlled with a dial, conventional tank water heaters are typically set between 120۫ - 140۫ F or 50۫ - 60۫ C. While this is much too hot for people to use, it is necessary to overheat the water in order to have a sufficient supply of hot water. Cold water is added to the overheated water in order for it to be comfortable. Standby losses are eliminated with tankless water heaters because they provide hot water when needed, without storage.


The life expectancy of tankless water heaters is typically much longer than conventional tank water heaters because they are less subject to corrosion. Tankless water heaters generally last 25-30 years whereas traditional heaters have a life expectancy of only about 10 years. Unfortunately, most tanks, once they have reached the end of this short service life, are destined for the landfill not exactly an environmentally-friendly or long-term cost-effective solution.


Every year in North America there are about 4,000 injuries related to incidences where people have been scalded by overheated water in conventional tank water heaters. Keep you and your family safe using tankless water heaters.

Legionnaires bacteria are found in virtually every buildings water supply. Legionnaires disease is a type of pneumonia that affects the lungs and affects thousands in the U.S. alone every year. The bacteria only become potentially lethal when water sits for extended periods of time at higher temperatures. Unfortunately conventional tank water heaters have the conditions necessary for this disease to flourish. By switching to tankless water heaters it will eliminate the conditions that breed this disease are eliminated because the water is only heated at the moment of use. In tankless water heaters the water in the pipes cools down when water is not being used eliminating any potential for Legionnaires disease. This is yet another benefit of tankless water heaters.

Tankless water heaters are the next big thing for today's household!

There are many benefits of Tankless Water heaters. Please visit us at to learn more about our best in class tankless water heaters.

Disclaimer: The information on the system, product or material presented herein is provided for informational purposes only. Please ensure that you consult a qualified technician prior to installing a tankless water heater or any suggestions put forward by e-Smart Living. E-Smart Living is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury sustained either directly or indirectly from information put forward in this article. There are no warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information.

Shelley Moore has spent over 15 years in the health and wellness industry. With a Bachelor of Commerce, she has traveled extensively, studying alternative forms of medicine. More recently she moved to Costa Rica with her boyfriend, a chemical engineer, to pursue business opportunities. Sharing a passion for health, their website provides healthy, safe home products that help people lead a life full of energy and vitality. They have seen tremendous savings using a tankless water heater and want to share the technology with others so they too benefit.Loria Blog17378
Euclide Blog70551

Identity Theft On The Rise

North Americas fastest growing crime does not involve guns, or even physical violence. Todays criminals have a new weapon of choice: your personal information. Committing identity theft is as easy as obtaining the right information and fraudulently using the data for personal advantage. It is a simple but personally and financially devastating process.

Identity theft occurs when a person obtains and uses anothers personal data for purposes of fraud or deception. In most cases, identity theft allows the perpetrator to benefit financially through gain of money, goods or services. Names, birth dates, social security numbers and drivers license numbers are the most frequents types of stolen data. In extreme and cruel cases, financial identities are taken via credit card, bank accounts and telephone cards.

It is important to note the contrast of identity theft to more traditional fraudulent activities. Unlike fingerprints that cannot be easily copied or stolen, thieves can easily obtain and profit from your personal information. In many cases, victims are not aware that their identity has been stolen until months or even years later.

The consequences faced by identity theft victims can be quite devastating. Those who have fallen victim to identity theft may have to close or repair bad credit accounts, or open new accounts. In addition to the time required to repair your damaged credit, you may also need to obtain the funds to pay accumulated debts.

Until the debts are paid and your name is cleared, you may be denied jobs, loans, education, housing and transportation. In worst-case scenarios, victims of identity theft have been arrested for crimes they were not aware of, and certainly did not commit. Identity theft leaves another long lasting, more personal affect. Thousands of identity theft victims have found that it can take years to recover from the trauma.

More and more people are reporting cases of identity theft and providing details of how they have fallen victim. These increased reports have caused the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conclude that identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States alone. In 2002, 10 million people reported cases of identity theft. Over the past five years, an estimated 27.3 million Americans have been reported to be victims of this crime in its varying forms.

The federal government reports that identity theft is the second most reported crime. The staggering number of identity theft cases classifies it as a serious crime that is getting more and more rampant everyday. Counteractions have been in effect since the crime first became prevalent in the early 1970s. Thieves continue to commit this crime however, regardless of the severity of the consequences.

In addition to personal accounts, financial and business institutions have also been affected. Billions of dollars in losses have been attributed to identity theft.

There are two basic forms of identity theft. The most common form is when someone obtains and uses credit card information. The credit data may be initially lost or stolen, or the identity theft may occur due to the careless handling by an employee of a company where you made a credit card purchase. The second and more dangerous form of identity theft is when someone steals your identity, and opens credit card or cell phone accounts in your name. The criminal can also use your social security number when getting a job, or your drivers license to obtain a duplicate copy.

Todays ever advancing technology simplifies the act of committing identity fraud.

Internet communication tools allow criminals to devise new schemes and strategies. Additionally, identity theft can be planned and executed more easily online. To obtain a Social Security Number, thieves simply pay a fee to an information broker. Further, online databases hold address details, and an individual's mother's maiden name can be easily obtained through obituaries or public documents. Once the data has been collected and the identity theft occurs, any bills incurred by the criminal are sent to a different address. The victim will not be aware that the crime has occurred.

Your best defense against identity theft is having a clear understanding of the crime, and knowing how to prevent it. By staying alert and aware, you will decrease your chances of being among the millions of people who have suffered the consequences of identity theft.

Robert Johnson contributes to several contemporary web sites, including and http://leror.comLambda Blog27609
Horus Blog88381

Network Marketing Success - The Compounding Effects of Cooperative Marketing

"Money is multiplied as the length of your business extends"

By: Phil Barnao

Home Business Ventures will produce more financial freedom in the future than any other investment, period!

There are two types of people in the world today. Networkers who get paid and Networkers who do not get paid. Whether you realize it our not, you are a networker.

Does that sound a bit odd?

Let's take a moment to illustrate. Have you ever read a good book, watched a great movie or visited a terrific restaurant and then turned around and shared this with someone you knew? Of course, we all have. Well, this is networking. Sharing information and stories with others.

Now, when you told someone you knew about that marvelous movie you saw last Saturday night and then they went to see it, did you get paid? Did the movie studio send you a royalty or referral bonus for marketing their movie? Nope!

In this example lies the difference between the two types of people throughout the world. We all network, whether we realize it or not. The only question is whether or not you want to get paid for doing something that you already do.

In actuality

Everyone does Networking everyday; they just don't get paid for it.

Now, before we continue, let's clear up some myths and confusions. Pyramids, ponzi's and chain letters have absolutely no connection to Cooperative (or also know as) Network Marketing. They are unethical and generally illegal.

Unfortunately some Network Marketing companies in the past have operated with out integrity promoting get rich quick, fast and with little effort. These companies have deterred many folks from looking into this lucrative business model and have camouflaged a wonderful industry.

In a nut shell..

Proper Network Marketing is not only legitimate, lucrative and extremely ethical, but the concept is the underlying foundation of just about every company in the world. That is, getting products, services or information out to the consumer and generating a profit. However, in our Industry, "you" are the recipient of those profits, instead of the owners and upper management.

So What Is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is the single greatest industry in the world today! Once you truly understand "what" it is and "what" it is not and "what" it can do for your quality of life, you will certainly agree.

What You Didn't Learn in School:
Network Marketing is a 65 year old time-proven industry that has produced more millionaires than any other industry. The Business Model is amazingly simple. And the best part? Everyone is qualified to excel in this industry regardless of age, education or experience.

Network Marketing is simply sharing information with others about a product or service you believe in and then teaching them to do exactly the same. That's it! It is working together with other people to ensure the success of all.

Moreover, this Industry provides a channel of distribution for companies with innovative or distinctive products not readily available in traditional retail stores, or who cannot afford to compete with the enormous advertising and promotion costs associated with gaining space on retail shelves. Network Marketing enhances the retail distribution infrastructure of the economy, and serves consumers with a convenient source of quality products.

Let's use an example to clarify. Think of any company that comes to mind. Typically, this company will probably have a CEO, president, some vice presidents, middle management and employees. Now, who makes the most money in our example? The CEO, right?

All the employees and middle management work very hard, but the people at the top benefit. The money flows up to the top. This is what most people are used to in any company with any job.

However, Network Marketing is very different. Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn as much as they want. You are not working for someone else because you are your own boss. The playing field is completely level and fair for everyone. It is the Industry that allows your dreams to come true!

Furthermore, here's a big twist from what you are probably accustomed to. In any company, do the people at the top help the people at the bottom try to reach the top? Typically not! However, in Network Marketing it is to your benefit to help people who are new to reach the top. The financial benefits are tremendous for all concerned. Specifically, you are paid to help others become more successful.

If you want to be financially free, diversify your investments, utilize more leverage, stop working for others (or working your self employed business to death), have more time for family, retire comfortably, travel, leave a legacy or just have a whole lot of fun then this business is worth looking into.

Why else would people who are already successful doctors, lawyers and other professionals...folks that own their own practices and law firms be willing to give it up or use it in addition to network marketing?

The answer is Simple. Because network marketing is one of the smartest, low capital and overhead, leverage utilizing business investments any person can make...and as a result it creates Freedom which is what most people are looking for.

if you would like to learn more about how to find a good network marketing company you can Click Here Now or visit

The Success Scoop is provided to You
by: Phil Barnao
Author of the explosively powerful
free Success Scoop E-zine

Phil Barnao had experienced a youth of bad programming and wrong choices that led him to a life of struggle, disappointment and utter dissatisfaction. In his early twenties by the grace of God he came to a turning point in his life and was then introduced to the industry of personal development. Ignace Blog75663
Hyacinthe Blog28239

Winter Trips To Warmer Destinations

In the middle of winter, you may be dreaming of visiting a place that is much warmer and without any snow or fierce winds. If you want to do some traveling this winter, there are a few warm weather destinations that are not only popular with travelers, but also beautiful. Three travel destinations you should look into include Antigua, Perth, Australia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, or Singapore.

Antigua is an island that is close to Bermuda. This island has many beaches for you to visit, water activities, and great food options. If you envision yourself relaxing on the beach, you should consider visiting Antigua. The average temperature is usually 80 degrees, which will make you forget about winter very quickly. Many people visit this island each year, so you will have the opportunity to meet new friends from all over the world. In addition to beautiful beaches, there are many hotels and resorts for you to stay in while on vacation.

If you don't want to spend your winter vacations on an island, visit Perth, Australia. In addition to beaches, you will be able to drive to Sydney and see many historic buildings and enjoy the culture Australia has to offer. This is a great place to spend winter holidays because you will be able to shop, see a show, meet new people, and enjoy the ocean breezes. With surfing and other outdoor activities, you will never be bored.

Rio de Janeiro, which is located in Brazil, is the place to go if you want to visit the beach and enjoy the nightlife. With many activities including the legendary Carnival, you will be able to sample great food, listen to music, and soak in all the local color that Rio has to offer. This city is also a great place to sightsee with many religious statues and buildings to see. When you visit Rio, you will never want to leave. With 75 miles of beaches, you will be able to spend the day working on your tan and participating in the nightlife once the sun goes down.

Singapore has four official languages include Chinese, so you will definitely be able to learn more about the culture during your visit. With many small towns surrounding the city, you will never be bored. Relax and eat good food and meet interesting people from all over the world.

If you want to travel to a warmer place, but you don't want to leave the US, how about traveling to Florida and visiting amusement parks and beaches. You can buy day passes to Disney World or Busch Gardens and enjoy rides and food. These vacations are a lot less expensive than a trip to an island or foreign land. Discover vacation spots that are closer to home when you want to get away from the cold weather.

Jack Blacksmith writes articles most often for , a website about Alicante and Benidorm. Through his writings such as ,the reviewer affirmed his capability on information relating to Torrevieja.Harmonie Blog51476
Engin Blog51469

The Basics To Your Home Business

This article is basically a list of things to do when getting started in multilevel marketing or direct sales as well as things some might forget about once theyve been around for a while. It is a compilation of things Ive learned from leaders from every company you can think of. Incorporate these things into your business and never give up. Of course this list is just a guideline and you ultimately have to decide how you will work your business. Learn, apply and share.

Basic things to keep in mind when getting started in your home business:

Write down your short-term and long-term goals, this would be your why you are doing the business.

Set up an action plan as far as how you will do the business.

Write down the days and hours you will do the business and stick to that schedule. If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Order business cards if your business will be belly to belly. It is vary rare to find a business that is strictly on the Internet so youll most likely want to order them. Leave your business cards everywhere you go!

Make sure you have high-speed Internet and unlimited long-distance, remember you are in business.

Stay plugged into your companys live training calls, opportunity calls, meetings and conventions. You never know which one will be life-changing. This is also where you will learn how to successfully do your business.

Use your product/service. Become a product of the product; it will build your belief! Do you think Ronald McDonald eats at Wendys? I think not!

Make your list of contacts, every single person you know that is breathing. Do not pre-judge.

Approach your contacts with common sense and find out how they are doing and decide if the timing is right to mention your business. If they have a need that your business can fill then go for it. If no need, dont mention your business.

Do something every day to move your business forward, talk to anyone and everyone.

Familiarize yourself with your companys web site but dont spend too much time on this. You will learn, as you go; do not get into analysis paralysis!

Avoid negative people and do not let anyone steal your dream. Those negative people will infect you faster than you can affect them.

Keep in close contact with your sponsor and cross-line teammates; this will keep you in the game.

Invite everyone you talk to attend your company conference calls and business meetings as a favor. Just so they can see what you are doing in case they ever think of someone who would need what you have.

Use your sponsor to do 3 way calls and edify your sponsor to your prospect before you call them. They will do the same to you when you get them on the phone. This helps the prospect respect what you have to say.

If you attend meetings or calls, always introduce your guests to the leaders. This is another chance to build respect and create that feel good atmosphere. Let your sponsor do the talking, do not interrupt

Build a Relationship with your people over the phone and in person and take yourself out of the picture.

Use the training calls, web sites & meetings already in place to plug your new people into. You make money on prospecting, not training. Use the tools to leverage yourself and maximize your time.

Always set goals keep an eye on how you are doing with them and shoot to have your goals accomplished by the timeline you assigned. If you miss one or two no big deal BUT write them down, no matter how small you make think they are i.e. I will make 10 calls a day, I will do one piece of business a week, etc. Keep aiming for your goals.

Work harder on YOURSELF than you do on your job; constantly work on your personal growth/personal development (books, CDs, seminars, training calls, and major events). As the great Jim Rohn says, Study, practice and teach!

Help your teams have success by doing the same thing I did with you and share this checklist!

Frank Salinas is a professional home-based business owner through MLM and affiliate marketing. He has a passion for personal growth and helping others, especially those that are new to the industry. Visit his web site to view valuable tools and resources and also some of the top home-based businesses: Blog5695
Lisa Blog48866

Holiday Gift Ideas, Start Early For Unique Photo Gifts!

Instead of scouring the mall for gifts this holiday season why not consider using your cherished photos to create a unique personalized gift for family and friends?

There are so many ways now, made easy with online sites and programs, to create unique personal gifts using your digital photos. Photo Books offer a way of creating a high quality photo album, book bound with text and artwork options. Calendars are always a perfect little gift or stocking stuffer, what Grandmother would not love a calendar of her precious grandchildren? Online sites offer easy ways of editing pictures as well, change to black and white, sepia, antique, add frames, create post cards, stickers, blur edges, so many ways to spruce up your photos and have a little fun in the process! Place your photos on mugs, mousepads, aprons, magnets, coasters, tote bags, and tee shirts. Create personalized Holiday greeting cards as well.

Another unique idea is to have a collage of your photos created. Collages are perfect unique gift ideas for anyone. Photos are blended together for a seamless look from your digital images or from your scanned photos. Themes include; weddings, babies, children, parties, trips, family reunions, or anything you can think of. Collages can then be framed for display, put on a stretched canvas or used on mousepads, calendar pages, a very unique cutting board, puzzle, or any other photo gift.

A calendar for the grandparents, using pictures from throughout the year and a few themed collages. New baby in the family? A baby collage printed on a mousepad for the new mother or father to have for their office. A collage of wedding photos for a newlywed couple, matted and framed and tied with a red ribbon makes a lovely gift!

So this year, forget the bath salts and take the plunge into the digital era and give unique gifts that your family and friends will cherish forever!

Barbara Ryan operates Cherish Collages, a business dedicated to creating unique personal keepsakes and gifts from digital or scanned photos. Http://, Blog: Gaston Blog94797
Jean Michel Blog24178

Civil War's USS Monitor returns to "active duty" at Mariners' Museum in Virginia

The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, VA opens the USS Monitor Exhibition March 9, 2007 exactly 145 years to the day of the battle of ironclads that changed naval warfare forever. Here is the epic story this exhibition will tell.

In 1973 divers discovered the wreckage of the ironclad USS Monitor strewn across the ocean floor 26 miles from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The Civil War ship had foundered in a heavy gale in December, 1862 just months after the "Battle of Hampton Roads." In this world famous 4-hour naval battle the afternoon of March 9, 1862, the Monitor fought the Confederate CSS Virginia (Merrimack) to a draw. A number of artifacts have since been recovered from the wreck site, including the turret, propeller, anchor, and engine that have become some of the featured attractions of the spectacular new multi-media USS Monitor Exhibition that opens March 9 at the Mariners' Museum in Newport News, VA. With these artifacts plus inter-active displays, and new audio/video techniques, the Exhibition brings the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia back to active duty to tell their story. And what a story it is.

At the start of the Civil War, the Union had abandoned the Norfolk Navy Base at Portsmouth, VA and burned one of their most powerful frigates, the steam-powered USS Merrimack, to prevent her from falling into Confederate hands. The Confederates raised the ship from the mud, converting her to an ironclad vessel with a wooden tent-shaped structure on top that was covered with iron bars. This armor sloped at a 35 degree angle almost to the waterline. The Confederates christened their new ironclad the CSS Virginia. The Union quickly nicknamed this new threat, the "Monster."

The Union went into panic mode, designing and building their own ironclad warship, the USS Monitor in a few frantic months. The Monitor was another oddly-shaped ship, resembling a modern day submarine with her 172-foot long deck topped by a revolving turret. Its strange appearance earned the Monitor the unflattering title, "Cheesebox on a raft." Now the stage was set for the Cheesebox on a raft to do battle with the Monster, forever changing naval history and overnight, making every wooden warship in the world obsolete.

On March 8, 1862 the CSS Virginia steamed toward the Union fleet blockading the Hampton Roads, Virginia harbor. The heavy frigate USS Cumberland was the first victim. Her crew fired volley after volley at this weirdly shaped ship rapidly approaching at 7 knots. The shells bounced harmlessly off the Virginia's iron armor like tennis balls. The Virginia rammed and sank the Cumberland. Another heavy Union frigate was next, the USS Congress. This ship caught fire and later exploded into a massive shower of metal and wood splinters. The day was a total disaster for the Union navy.

The next day the Virginia returned to the hunt, planning to destroy the remaining Union ships. But almost as in a bad Western movie, the Union's "hero" had arrived during the night. The Monitor now steamed right at the Virginia, firing two powerful Dahlgren cannons from her revolving turret. The enemies were evenly matched and protected by their iron armor. After four hours, the no-win-win battle was over, and the two ships sailed away from each other. History records the battle as a "draw," but the Monitor had saved the rest of the Union fleet. The Virginia nee Merrimack was later sunk by its own crew to keep the approaching Union from owning another ironclad.

During the USS Monitor Exhibition that opens March 9, 2007 at the Mariners' Museum, visitors can step into a battle theater where scenes of the ironclads clash are projected on the walls with the sounds of cannon fire and wind vibrating the floors. Other rooms show a life size CSS Virginia under construction. You can walk on the deck of a full size Monitor model. Experience the fateful night the ship sank in a squall with readings of survivor accounts heard above the howling winds. Then see the various artifacts from the ocean floor, some still being restored in a viewable conservation laboratory.

The Virginia Hospitality Suite has created a special "Jamestown 2007 Web Feature" that features the full story of the Battle of Hampton Roads with descriptions of all the exhibits illustrated by numerous drawings and photographs. The Mariners' Museum is located in Newport News, Virginia at the intersection of J. Clyde Morris and Warwick.

By Hal Gieseking, former consumer editor of Travel Holiday magazine and past president of the Society of American Travel Writers. You will find more information about the Battle of Hampton Roads at Blog91552
Eudes Blog88475

5 Secrets to Studying Abroad in France

If studying abroad is wonderful then studying abroad in France is wondrous.

Here are some treasures on how to best explore one of the most beautiful countries on earth in between all of those pesky tests and papers...

1. Dont bring anything that might have to be dry cleaned! You will find doing your laundry in a Laundromat quite expensive compared to the States, the prices for dry cleaning are astronomical, as its still not a very common practice. Should you discover a red wine stain on your favorite dry clean only shirt that made its way into your suitcase against better advise, look for a Pressing or Blachisserie and ask for a nettoyage sec (TIP: Before forking over for a dry cleaning bill, the best way to get a red wine stain out of clothes is by pouring its friend white wine all over it, honest!)

2. Because the water in France is a lot softer than in the States, your hair and skin may not feel as clean even after washing. For this reason, its best not to bring your own products from home, but to buy products here that are specially adapted and produced according to the minerals in the water. You can go to any of the beauty supply stores and talk to a sales lady about it and they can direct you to a product thats right for you.

3. For a truly interesting movie going experience in Paris, be sure to visit La Pagode. The manager of the store Bon March imported a real pagoda from Japan for his wife to use as a ballroom! Unfortunately they soon divorced, and it was turned into a movie theater that makes for a brilliant experiencebe sure to ask for the salle japonaise. (57 rue de Babylone 75007)

4. When headed to the cinema, the matinees are always cheapest. But pay attention to the rules of each movie house, because in some this may be any film played before noon, but in others it may just be the first film of the day. Many theaters also have reduced ticket prices on Mondays and Wednesdays. (TIP: Be sure the film is in VO, version originale, played in English with subtitles and not dubbed over in French, VF!)

5. If you are studying abroad in Nice, be sure to visit one of the few internet cafs in the city, located at 8 Rue Vincent, just at the corner of Rue Pontin in the Old Town. They have wi-fi and cable TV, great food and snack, and Happy Hour for drinks starting at 5 pm. Plus its run by a lovely Englishman who has been living in Nice for over 15 years, and is a great resource on where to go and what to do in the city.

Kevin Browne studied in Strassbourg, France while attending Holy Cross College. Kevin is the founder of TravelGuy! which shares intricate local French knowledge with students looking to study abroad in France in the hopes that they will fully take advantage of their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Kevin Browne studied in Strasbourg, France while attending Holy Cross College.Daniel Blog87503
Kiley Blog98733

eBay: Can You Really Make Money Here?

As a mother of two, Sarah was always busy. But, this did not stop her from finding her niche in the world. She had been designing beautiful jewelry for her friends for years. She gave them as gifts. She presented them to others who wished to buy them to give to their friends. She made each piece by hand and loved every minute of it. She knew, though, if she wanted to make any real money on this little business that she got going that she needed to find individuals that would pay for them. Her circle of friends was wearing them, of course, but she knew if they loved them so much that others would too.

Sarah took her search online and found eBay. This online auction house allowed her to easily place pictures of her products on their site and soon enough people were bidding on them. She was selling her own products. Later, she would open an eBay store that would promote more than just one product for her. She soon found herself spending more time at the post office than ever delivering her jewelry to her newfound audience.

eBay is by far one of the most sought after internet businesses to dip your hands into. But, if you don't have a lot of 'junk' lying around your home, you may find it hard to understand how you'll make any money in this business. Don't want to spend your days at garage sales and picking up other people's trash so that you have something to sell? Here are some numbers that will make you think twice about these things.

a. eBay has more than 1.2 million registered users. That is your customer based presented to you.

b. Of those, about 25,000 of them are making five figure incomes from their eBay businesses.

c. Not looking for full time? Consider part time eBayers can supplement their income by several thousand dollars a year.

If you aren't like Sarah and can't make a product to sell, as many of us wish we could, you'll find hundreds of other options too.

How Does eBay Work?

eBay is an online auction website. The website is designed to connect those that wish to sell products and those that want to find a great deal on products. The company is built on the fact that people want to get a better deal and love finding one. Just think about how you feel when you do go to that garage sale and find something that you want and can use in good shape for much less than what the retail stores sell it for. You know the shy smile that you get when you realize you are getting something for much less than what others have paid? You can think of eBay as a way to get those deals all the time.

From The Salesmanship Side

So, how do you sell and make an income on eBay? Most individuals start by cleaning house literally. They start by getting rid of things throughout their home that they simply do not need. When you can take stuff you don't use and make a few dollars off of it, you'll want to do it more. Cleaning just got profitable!

But, besides just selling things from around the home, those that are true eBay sellers realize that they need more to sell. Some will have their own products or services to offer. For example, some will sell crafts and such. Others will purchase products for next to nothing and sell them at a slight markup. This is where most eBayers make their money.

Wholesale Options Too

To find products to sell for low costs, many eBay sellers tap into the world of wholesale. Don't worry, there are plenty of companies offering services online for wholesale prices if you by in quantity. Let's say that you find out that XYZ Retailer has 10 refurbished MP3 players that you can purchase for $50 each. The new cost would be well over $100. Now, you can list them on eBay and make a solid profit on these, right?

Don't Make Less Than It's Worth

One problem that many mistakenly run into is not getting their money's worth out of the products. But, eBay has protection here too. If you don't want to lose any money on your MP3 purchases, you simply use a reserve on your auction. This term means simply that until the reserve is met, the product will not be sold. So, if Jane Doe is the only bidder and only bids a mere penny, she won't win the bid unless she raises her bid to meet your reserve or beyond.

Keys To Being A Successful Auctioneer

eBay is not the only company that you can auction with but with over 2.6 million users each day, it is definitely the one to go to in order to make that five figure income. Here are some tips to be successful.

a. Provide excellent, crisp and clear pictures. Make them as professional as possible by making them large enough to see detail. Offer several views. Along with the picture, provide an easy to read description. It needs to be detailed and can often be borrowed from the manufacturer's website. List the quality of the product and be clear about the condition it is in.

b. Drive feedback up. One of the risks of eBay is that people are leery about providing their information to you. Will you deliver? The way to know if a seller is worth the risk is through their feedback rating. Keep yours high. Do this by delivering fast, answering questions quickly and clearly and being courteous. Also, make sure that you make your deliveries as safely as possible. Provide a guarantee of the product's quality and deliverables.

So, can you make Sarah's story your story? Do you have a hidden ability to make a product? Or, perhaps you are able to help friends get rid of their products too. In fact some individuals actually pay people for things that they know will sell well on eBay and make a killing on it! It could be a good thing to start a business just by selling what's lying on your desk right now. Hmmm, what could you sell?

eBay may be the place for you to make a solid income. Consider taking a course to make sure you get all the tips and tricks out there.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.Harvey Blog57399
Jean Claude Blog48426

Spyware, Adware, And The Importance Of Cleaning The Registry

It is important to remove any trace of Spyware from the system registry. This can be achieved with the help of registry cleaner software.

'Adware' is a term that is frequently used to describe software that downloads and resides in the system and displays 'pop-up' advertisements on the screen. There are many sites that allow users to download programs free of cost in return for permission for adware to installed on their system. This permission is, however, hidden somewhere in the 'terms and conditions' or 'agreement' the user agrees to at the time of downloading the software. Adware is also known as Spyware without the malicious streak. It just monitors the users activity on the Internet and the type of software the user uses on the computer. These non-malicious Spyware do, however, affect the smooth functioning of the computer by slowing down the system greatly and must be detected and removed. This can be done with the help of anti-Adware or anti-Spyware in addition the registry must also be cleaned of any entries of the software with the aid of free Spyware Adware removal software.

Spyware With Malicious Intent

Spyware is Adware with malicious content. They operate in much the same way. However, Spyware actually spy's on the user of a computer. Every time the user enters personal details such as credit card information or his username and password the Spyware will record the information and mail it to its masters. This information can be used to fraudulently cause financial damage to the user of the computer the Spyware is installed on. The registry of a computer proactively upgrades the information and data in its records. Every thing that happens on the computer is registered in the registry. This means that the Spyware is also entered in the registry as well and in hundreds of places too. These entries can only be removed effectively with free Spyware removal software such as free Microsoft Spyware Adware removal tool or the famous Yahoo Spyware Adware removal tool.

Spyware Removal Utility Is Not Enough

Spyware, being designed to covertly install and operate on a system makes it very difficult to detect. One of the main indicators of the presence of Spyware on the system is the slowing of the system or 'pop-up' advertisements. In order to collect data and send it to an email address through the Internet, Spyware must pause other programs already running. This is the reason the system slows. Removing Spyware using anti-Spyware tools is not enough because Spyware expects such action and so installs links in different parts of the registry as well. To remove these links from the registry one must use special Spyware removal programs. Many Free Spyware removal tools do a good job efficiently cleaning the registry and remove all traces of Spyware.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comCantor Blog37043
Edwige Blog5695

Monday, February 4, 2008

Choosing Your HDTV Television

To take full advantage of the great number of HDTV stations you can get with your satellite system, you will want a television with a breathtaking picture and mind blowing sound. When shopping for a television today, you have many more options than just a few years ago. From several hundred dollars, to a price similar to that of a new Corvette, you can choose the television to fit your budget and lifestyle.

If you want to watch satellite programming you will need a tv that is at least HDTV ready. Your satellite service provider will supply you with an HDTV tuner. Even if you will not be watching much HDTV programming, there is still a huge benefit to watching a digital television. All HDTV and HDTV ready tv's contain upconversion circuitry that cleans up the picture with even non HDTV signals.

If you watch a lot of movies or dvd's, you might want to purchase a widescreen television. A widescreen tv has a 16:9 aspect ratio screen, as opposed to the traditional television screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio. You can enjoy watching movies on a screen shaped like a movie theater screen, and view non digital programming in a side cropped view, or stretch the picture to varying degrees to fill the screen. All HDTV programming uses the 16:9 aspect ratio.

The least expensive option is the good old fashioned CRT (cathode ray tube) television. It has been around since 1927, and it is the least expensive option. It is built around a single picture tube, and provides excellent contrast and overall picture quality. A higher end picture tube television will actually give a smoother appearance of motion than a flat-panel tv. The primary drawbacks of tube tv's are their immense weight (compared to newer technology), and the considerable depth of the sets themselves, both severely limiting your installation choices. Also, the largest tube television available is 36", so if you need a larger picture, you might want to step up to flat-panel television.

LCD and Plasma screens are the two options available in flat-panel televisions. Both are incredibly thin and lightweight, and can be wall mounted if you choose to do so. An LCD (liquid crystal display) contains thousands of crystals sandwiched between two glass or plastic plates, which are acted upon by electrical current, creating images on the screen. A plasma screen consists of thousands of pixel cells filled with gases that excite phosphors, producing light, and thereby your picture.

The weight of an LCD and a plasma tv are comparable, with the LCD models being slightly lighter in the 40" range. As the screen size approaches 60", the weight of the LCD overtakes that of the plasma screen. The display panel tends to last longer with the LCD than with the plasma models. LCD televisions are not vulnerable to burn-in, also known as image shadowing or ghosting, like plasma screens. Burn-in is essentially burned, or worn out pixels in a plasma screen that have been damaged over a period of time and retain color information from static images like network logos, etc... Plasma tv's tend to have more accurate color reproduction than LCD models, and are currently less expensive than a comparable LCD. While the largest LCD tv at this writing is 65", that is likely to change quickly as the technology evolves with the latest innovations in the computer monitor industry. The largest plasma screen television currently produced is the Panasonic TH-103PZ600U103", which boasts a massive 103" screen, and is expected to carry a whopping retail price of about $70,000 when is hits US markets in late 2006.

Remember the old, bulky rear-projection televisions that were almost a yard deep and weighed nearly as much as a VW Bug? Todays digital big screen tv's take up much less space, and a 60" television can weigh under 100 lbs. Digital big screens are capable of brightness that is unmatched by the older CRT televisions, and do not suffer burn-in like the plasma tv's. These digital big-screens also contains a consumer replaceable lamp that restores picture quality to its original brilliance. Prices for these sets are very reasonable, usually one half to two thirds the price of a similar sized plasma or LCD television. One disadvantage of the big screen tv's is still size; even with technological advancements, these models take more room for installation than the flat screen televisions, and are not practical for wall mounting. The ideal viewing angle is only achieved straight on, and in a seated position.

For a true movie theater experience at home, a front projection tv may be a good choice. This is a two piece system consisting of a projector and a screen. They offer picture sizes up to 300", and do not include any type of tv tuner, instead displaying signals from a satellite receiver or cable box. The best viewing experience with a front projection setup requires a fairly dark environment, and is definitely not for everyone. However, for cinema lovers, there is no better way to bring your favorite film to life. Pricing for good projectors starts at just under $1000, and screen prices vary according to size, with most models falling somewhere between $300 and $1500.

Whether you watch mainly sporting events, movies, or dvd's, a modern television can give new life to your favorite programming. As technology advances at an astonishing pace, prices for larger and more sophisticated television sets continue to come down. If you do some shopping online and find that you can't quite afford the tv that you want, save money for five to six months; no matter how much or how little you are able to save, chances are you will be able to afford the set you want as prices come down. Just don't blow the money you have saved - you might need to build a new room to house the larger set you will be buying in two years.

Gregg Pennington owns the website, a site dedicated to satellite tv and television technology.Ida Blog39832
Eymard Blog13252

Musicians and Performance Anxiety

Have you ever faced your time to shine, and felt overcome with an intense hesitation or worry about an upcoming performance? As the time nears for you to address your audience, do you suffer from sweaty palms? Is there a lump in your throat? Do you experience tremors, tension, stuttering, upset stomach or loss of focus? All of these symptoms are a sign that you may suffer from performance anxiety, which is a common problem that requires a little mental rewiring to get you on the right track.

Music performance anxiety develops from the thoughts, feelings and habits of a musician. The level of anxiety that one has will affect a musicians desire to perform, as well as their ability. In order to deliver a high-quality performance, a musician must overcome the mental obstacles that create a barrier between wanting to perform and actually completing the act. When you feel anxious, pressure begins to build up that makes it impossible to pick up an instrument or sing a song.

Main Types of Performance Anxiety

There are three main kinds of performance anxiety that musicians encounter. The first occurs before a performance date is even mentioned. Fear of rejection or self-doubt regarding their abilities may hinder a musicians attempt to arrange a showing of their talents. The anxiety sometimes mounts to the point where a musician never feels they are truly ready to perform in front of others.

The second type of anxiety occurs during an actual performance. Gripped by fear of what the audience thinks of them, a musicians body might tremble. Sweat may form on their forehead, nose, neck or hands. These bodily reactions may also impact the way an instrument is played. Voices become tight or locked, emitting cracked, flat or quivering notes. The anxiety of a musician might be so high that they may actually self-sabotage their performance without even knowing it.

Anxious musicians often become quite distracted by the slightest movement or noise during a performance. They might take this opportunity to blame their inability to complete their set because of outside interruptions. This is just an excuse. Within themselves, they do not feel completely adequate to continue their performance. Musicians with performance anxiety often exhibit poor concentration, as well as loss of focus.

After a performance, the anxiety madness continues, which is seen through a harsh, unforgiving critique of their presentation. The musician will nit-pick every aspect of their set and despite positive encouragement and comments, they will continue to downplay and dismantle their ability.

Tips On Managing Performance Anxiety

When it comes to getting over the hump of performance anxiety, there are numerous ways to combat the fears and doubt that come with presentation. Below are five aspects of performing that a musician suffering from anxiety should take into consideration:

1) Self-Assessment

When you get to know the ins and outs of yourself as an individual, as well as a musician, you are inching your way towards overcoming performance anxiety. Knowing what makes you tick both inside and outside musical circles will help you to better deal with the problems you face before, during and after a performance. A musician should analyze their performance goals, personal capabilities and limitations.

Musicians should also know that everyone has to start somewhere with infinite room for improvement. It is quite important for a musician to perform to the best of their abilities, as well as learn from mistakes and peer criticism.

2) Exposure: Baby Steps

Musicians should take the opportunity to gradually expose themselves to varying levels of performing. One moment a full-length mirror becomes a suitable audience, while the next could be a crowd of five friends. Testing low, medium and high levels of stressful performance situations will help musicians slowly overcome the issues faced in regards to performing. Additional suggestions include practice performances in an empty theater, dress rehearsals with friends and taping acts, then viewing them with family and friends.

3) Preparation

In anything that we do, preparation is an important component for achieving success. A good performance is one that has been thought out, thoroughly visualized and played over and over again in the mind. Once the mental preparation is complete, the physical part of the process involves sufficient practice and specific rehearsing for the particular venue you may perform at. Before a performance, a musician should enter this moment with a clear head. Meditation, yoga and other muscle relaxation techniques can create the right state of mind.

4) During a Performance

Every musician at some point in their lives will feel the flutter of butterflies before, during or after a performance. This is a normal occurrence that just takes some longer to get over. When it comes to the audience, you shouldnt focus on blocking them out, but instead embrace them as support. If you go into a performance thinking that no one likes you or during a presentation focus on scowling faces, you will surely surrender to your flight or fight performance anxiety tactics.

Try to put anxiety in the backseat and attempt to stay calm. If you make a mistake, such as tickle the wrong piano keys, simply move on and do not dwell on small imperfections that pale in comparison to the overall scheme of things. Sometimes, if you dont wear your disappointment or errors on your face, the audience is less apt to remember or care about mistakes. Breathing techniques will also come in handy once you get into the thick of performing and feel a touch of anxiety.

5) After the Performance

After each performance, take the time to assess yourself before relying on the approval or criticism of others. No one but you truly knows all of the hard work and preparation that went into your performance. Take the time to give yourself a mental pat on the back. Next, combine outside comments with your gut feeling to decide on what you can do next time. Regardless if you had the performance of your life or tanked on your first break, there are always aspects of your musical craft that you can still shape and mold for the future.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Visit here for more tips on learning to sing.Digital Blog11735
Juste Blog52190

Increase Your Muscle Mass With Digestive Enzymes

If you could find out about a way to get much more out of the food you are already eating, allowing you to gain muscle weight at a faster rate, would you be interested?

If you could find out how to not feel as bloated, gas-y, or down-right "heavy feeling" in the stomach after eating a meal, would you want to know?

If you could find out an easy way to help your body better use the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you already eat help you build more muscle mass / gain muscle weight, how would you react?

No. This isn't some sales pitch. This is for real.

What I'm talking about are Digestive Enzymes.

Digestive enzymes come in pill form, and can be bought in just about any grocery store, pharmacy, or supplement store (which should be your last resort).

When we eat or drink a meal / shake / liquids, the body uses digestive enzymes that it makes on its own to break down and digest the food.

Now, here's the kicker.

Being imperfect humans, our digestive systems don't necessarily work to its maximum capacity.

Or, many times our body doesn't make enough of a certain enzyme, which results in you not being able to properly digest your food, which causes your muscle weight gains to slow down.

For example, take a look at people that suffer from lactose intolerance.

The reason why these individuals can't have any dairy products is because their bodies has stopped producing enough or any of the digestive enzyme called Lactaid.

Lactaid is the enzyme in the body that specifically breaks down dairy products.

However, if that person were to take the Lactaid enzyme in pill form, they could now digest and enjoy dairy products.........instead of having really bad gas and having to go to the toilet every 3 minutes.

Now, there are different enzymes for different foods / calories.

I'm not going to sit here and list all of them, since there are many.

But I am going to tell you of the 3 that you definitely need to know about, and that I'm going to recommend to assist you in your muscle mass building goals.

(Hey, if you are spending money on food, and are breaking your back in the gym, you should also be making sure you are getting everything out of what you eat).

There is an enzyme pill called Pancreatin.

In this one pill you will find that it contains 3 very important enzymes......

Protease, which helps break down protein............

Amylase, which helps break down carbs / sugars / starches........


Lipase, which helps break down fats / lipids.

If you think about it, that's what everything we eat consists of......protein, carbs, and fats.

Many times we feel that we aren't getting the most out of our food, so in response, we'll eat more, but sometimes all that does is aggravate the problem.

If your digestive system is already having a problem digesting a certain food / nutrient, eating more of that nutrient isn't going to make it any better.

But if you were to take the enzyme, you may be able to get a bigger punch from the food you eat, which will quicken your muscle weight gain.

Your body will be able to handle, break down, and digest what you are giving it, and better utilize it for what really matters, building muscle mass.

So, try it out, it just might be what you need to take your muscle weight gain to the next level.

Copyright 2006 Jonathan Perez

Jonathan PerezHarold Blog35358
Caroline Blog28893

SCJP 5.0 - Carving a well qualified Java Tiger Programmer

Sun Microsystems offers many certifications starting from programmer level to architect level. The latest version of programmer (SCJP) exam is SCJP 5.0 - Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 (CX-310-055). Sun started calling SCJP 5.0 instead SCJP 1.5 from this new version.

Achieving this certification provides clear evidence that a programmer understands the basic syntax and structure of the Java programming language based on new syntax introduced in SCJP 5.0. The certified programmer can create Java technology applications that run on server and desktop systems using J2SE 5.0 ( Java Tiger). Java Tiger is the another name of J2SE 5.0.

NOTE: The external version number of this release is 5.0 and its internal version number is 1.5.0.

What is new in Java Tiger ?

Changes include generic types, metadata, autoboxing, an enhanced for loop, enumerated types, static import, C style formatted input/output, variable arguments, concurrency utilities, and simpler RMI interface generation.

Wow ! Thanks to Sun Microsystems for providing such a valuable features for Java Programmers.

So, if you decided to take Sun Java Programmer certification (SCJP) go ahead with SCJP 5.0 and be a Java Tiger Certified Programmer and enjoy the benefits of new features.

Changes in Exam Objectives from SCJP 1.4 to SCJP 5.0

SCJP 1.4
SCJP 5.0

Section 1: Declarations and Access Control
Section 2: Flow control, Assertions, and Exception Handling
Section 3: Garbage Collection
Section 4: Language Fundamentals
Section 5: Operators and Assignments
Section 6: Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type and Object Orientation
Section 7: Threads
Section 8: Fundamental Classes in the java.lang Package
Section 9: The Collections Framework

Section 1: Declarations, Initialization and Scoping
Section 2: Flow Control
Section 3: API Contents
Section 4: Concurrency
Section 5: OO Concepts
Section 6: Collections / Generics
Section 7: Fundamentals

Is SCJP 5.0 easy compared to SCJP 1.4 as it has limited number of sections? No, most of the concepts are new in SCJP 5.0. Some of them are not related with SCJP 1.4.
SCJP 5.0 Exam Details

Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
Prerequisites: None
Other exams/assignments required for this certification: None
Exam type: Multiple choice and drag and drop
Number of questions: 72
Pass score: 59% (43 of 72 questions)
Time limit: 175 minutes

After completion of SCJP 5.0 exam you are familiar with Java Tiger concepts like generic types, metadata, auto boxing, an enhanced for loop, enumerated types, static import, variable arguments, etc.

How long I need to prepare for this exam?

The answer is it depends on your current knowledge in Java programming and OO Concepts. You may get an approximate estimation from EPractize Labs SCJP 5.0 Preparation Time Calculator.

How to start? Where to start?

First go to Sun's website and understand the exam objectives.

Plan for your preparation. If needed calculate an estimation from EPractize Labs SCJP 5.0 Preparation Time Calculator.

Identify your weak areas based on the exam objectives. Set more focus on those topics.

Study and workout the program examples.

Practice with mock exams and see where you are. Continue your practice till you achieve your goal.

Achieve your SCJP 5.0 certificate and share your success WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES!

Recommended SCJP 5.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Use SCJP 5.0 Exam EPractize Labs Personal Edition for empowering your preparation by PPA-1(Plan, Practize, Achieve) methodology.

SCJP 5.0 Certification Benefits

For the Individual

Clear evidence that you are a Java Tiger programmer.

The certification empowers in driving Java Programming based on J2SE 5.0.

SCJP 5.0 certified programmers can easily design and develop the code based on J2SE 5.0.

Being a SCJP 5.0 certified programmer helps you to improve your career potential, gain more respect, boost up your job security and opportunities.

With SCJP 5.0 certified programmer, you become more competitive in the job market.

For the organization

Enables management to distinguish SCJP 5.0 certified programmer as Java professionals who can develop quality code efficiently and effectively.

Helps in deciding the best development APIs or Java Components based on latest J2SE APIs.

More confidence to work on Java Code technical decisions with business partners.

Enables project team to get best coding practices and guidance from a qualified Java Programmer.

Good Luck !

Ganesan - CEO & CTO, EPractize Labs Software. Has more than 7 years of experience in architecting and designing small scale to high scale enterprise applications in various domains using Java/J2EE TechnologiesCassis Blog78097
Lydie Blog40220

Legitimate Wholesale - List How to be an eBay Wholesaler

If you really want to work from home and sell products on eBay its going to take hard work. Dont think youre going to be able to work a couple hours a week and make a living, if you are doing this because you dont like to work you can forget about it, it wont happen. If you are willing to work hard however, you can forget about making a living on eBay, instead you can worry about making an absolute killing on eBay!

There are many different options to consider when starting out. First you need to decide what you want to sell. I know we all want to have a complete online store of things to sell but for now you need to pick a couple of products, or one specialized area. For example if you are into fitness, like myself, you might want to start researching stability balls, or dumbbells, or even weight benches. If you stick to an area you know and understand youll be able to find better values and write better reviews. The more passionate you are about an area the better youll do because people will see you as an expert in the field and trust you more.

Next you need to decide where you are going to get your products. You need to make sure you are getting your products from the manufacture or as close as possible. Every hand the product goes through cuts your final profit margin. So make sure the wholesale youre looking into is a real wholesaler and not a distributor or you wont get the wholesale price you want.

There are a couple of different options for legitimate eBay wholesalers. You can drop ship, which means you dont have to carry an inventory. You list a product and sell it the drop ship source then takes a small percentage and ships it to your customer.

Although this seems like the easy option, there are a couple of disadvantages to drop shipping. First you dont get to keep as much profit as you may want or need. Second its hard for you to guarantee your service, if a product is on back order and the drop shippers doesnt inform you, you could end up with a bunch of angry customers. You generally have to handle of customer service issues even though you have no control over the drop shipper.

Customer complaints could easily be the end of someone trying to get started. Drop shipping is the best option for someone that cannot afford an inventory, but be aware of the problems that could occur.

Another option is carrying a small inventory so you can guarantee service. The best option if you can afford it and your wholesalers will allow it. The problem is many companies want you to order way more than you can afford or want to carry to get the best discount.

The final option would be to buy in mass quantities receive the best discount and keep the most profit. The downsides are having enough money to pay by the truckload, storing the product, and ensuring that you sale and dont get stuck with anything.

Now that you know everything there is to know about wholesalers you need to decide which one is right for you. You will need to decide on a legitimate wholesale list. Since you already have an idea of what you want to sell dont sign up with any eBay wholesaler. If youve been researching this for a while you understand how hard it is to find a legitimate wholesale list. There are a lot of scams out there so you need to be careful. Many eBay wholesalers are going to make you pay a small fee for their wholesale list but it shouldnt be an excess amount. My wholesale list cost about $70 for a lifetime membership. You can check them out at

Before you join make sure they that the suppliers can and will cater to your needs as an eBay seller, otherwise youre business is going to fail. Dont let them ruin you, before you get started.

Brad McCleary has worked for himself, from home, for over two years now. He takes pride in helping people find freedom from the work force. He has written many articles with tips and advice on starting and running a home based business. You can visit his website at Blog73908
Harvey Blog57399

Breast Reconstruction Decision

With today's advanced surgical procedures, most women who undergo surgery for breast cancer are candidates for breast reconstruction. There are various types of reconstruction, and they are available to women who have had a mastectomy, partial mastectomy, or lumpectomy.

The decision of whether to have breast reconstruction arises at a very emotional time usually at the same time a woman learns she has breast cancer and needs surgery. It is a time when many questions come up about reconstruction, the most common of which are answered here briefly:

Is age a factor?

As long as a woman is in good general health and chooses a procedure that is compatible with her physical condition, age is usually not a factor. Breast reconstruction is frequently done for women in their 70s.

Who should not have breast reconstruction?

Women who are in poor general health, who have psychological problems that would be exacerbated by the surgery, or who have severe diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, a recent stroke nine-art attack, or severe lung disease usually should not have breast reconstruction.

Do I have to make a decision about having reconstruction before I have the mastectomy?

No, but the best time to think about breast reconstruction and to consult with a reconstruction surgeon is before you have your mastectomy. Depending on the type of mastectomy you have, you may be able to undergo immediate reconstruction while you're still on the operating table. There are advantages and disadvantages to having immediate reconstruction (see below). Not all mastectomies lend themselves to this approach, however, which means it is important for you to understand all your options prior to mastectomy. Then if you choose to delay reconstruction, you at least were given the opportunity to make an informed decision.

Are there any health conditions that could have a negative effect on reconstruction?

Women who smoke are more susceptible to postoperative infections and slow healing, so if you smoke it is best to quit before surgery. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of pneumonia, blood clots in the legs, and complications related to anesthesia. The results of both types of reconstruction (implant and flap, both described below) are frequently unsatisfactory in obese women.

How many operations are involved in breast reconstruction?

Most breast reconstructions can be completed in two operations. The majority of the work is done during the first procedure, and the second usually involves reconstructing the nipple and areola, improving symmetry of the breasts, and making any minor adjustments.

Does breast reconstruction cause cancer?

There is no evidence that breast reconstruction causes or contributes to the development of cancer.

How will my breast reconstruction look in 5 to 10 years? The long-term results of breast reconstruction are different for each woman and depend on the type of procedure you have, your weight, and whether you experience intervening infections or other breast problems.

Immediate Reconstruction: Yes or No?

Once you know you must undergo mastectomy, it is usually difficult to also have to think about reconstruction. This is the time to surround yourself with supportive individuals, be they family, friends, health care providers, or breast cancer support group members. It is also the time to educate yourself about reconstruction. This is a way to take charge of your health, to have some control over the direction your life is taking.

When it comes to the question of whether you are a candidate for immediate or delayed reconstruction, ask your breast and reconstruction surgeons to explain why they are recommending one or the other.

The primary factor that determines the best approach is whether the cancer has affected the lymph nodes and to what extent. Chemotherapy usually is not started until 2 or 3 weeks after mastectomy to allow for healing. If your surgeons believe you must begin chemotherapy immediately to get the best possible outcome, they may recommend delaying reconstruction.

Combining mastectomy and reconstruction adds days and occasionally weeks to the healing period, which would significantly delay chemotherapy and possibly have a negative impact on your prognosis.

If your surgeons say immediate reconstruction is an option for you, you must decide if it's best for you.

To help you make a decision, it may help to look at the pros and cons (outlined below) and to discuss your concerns with those close to you. The best candidates for immediate reconstruction are women with early breast cancer who are in good general health, women with small breasts, and those who need both breasts reconstructed. However, even if you are ready physically, you may not be mentally or emotionally prepared. In that case, it may be better to delay reconstruction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Immediate Reconstruction


Avoiding an additional surgical procedure.
One less procedure means less chance of complications.
Less recovery time needed.
Costs less money
Less time to dwell on the cancer.
Less negative impact on body image.
Faster opportunity to get on with your life.


Less time to gather information to make an informed decision.
Surgical procedure is longer, which increases the chances of complications.
Possible dissatisfaction with the results
May delay mourning period for the missing breast

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This article is not designed as a substitute for personal medical advice but as a supplement to advice for those wishes to understand more about her condition.

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Leeanne Blog73247