Malcolm Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

Beat the Fall and Winter Blues with Exercise!


Its that time of year again. The temperature is dropping. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. People during this time of year tend to sleep more, lose interest in physical activity, gain weight, experience more frequent bouts of anxiety and depression, and socially isolate themselves. Dont let that be you this year! In the following article, I am going to discuss some ways you can beat the blues with exercise and the benefits you will experience.

First Things First

The first thing you need to do is obtain a medical clearance from you doctor to make sure it is safe for you to exercise. Exercise is meant to be a benefit to you, but if you use it incorrectly, you will end up worse off than before you started.

Set Goals Using the Smart Principle

SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible.

A. Specific: Answer who, what, when, where, and why. Who is involved, what do you want to accomplish, when do you want to accomplish it by, where is the location, why are you doing this, the purpose or benefits of the set goal.

B. Measurable: You must measure your progress. For instance, how many pounds have you lost, how many inches have you lost, how much body fat have you lost.

C. Attainable: You must be able and willing to attain your goal. When you do this, you develop the attitude, skills, and abilities to attain your goal!

D. Realistic: A high goal is much easier to reach then a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force.

E. Tangible: Something tangible is experienced through the five senses; seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or touching. Can you feel your clothes fitting loosely, can you see the physical changes in your body when you look in the mirror, can you feel how wonderful it is knowing you look so good in front of your friends and family?!

Accomplishing your goals will help you master yourself and give you a higher sense of self worth.

Stay Consistent

You can only benefit by exercise by staying consistent. Allow yourself time each day to do some kind of physical activity. If your time schedule is tight, break it up into segments of ten minutes for example. Consistency makes you more productive. The more productive you are, the more you will accomplish.

Strength Train

Strength training has many benefits for you. Having a better looking body will help you increase your self image and self esteem. If you tend to gain weight this time of year, the increased muscle mass will help aid those unwanted pounds by boosting your metabolism. You will also have an increase in energy so you will not feel so lethargic all the time and be tempted to sleep so much. If you tend to get sick this time of year, strength training will help boost your immune system. Remember to strength train to your level of fitness.

Do Your Cardio!

Cardiovascular exercise holds many benefits for you. It is great for relieving stress! You can run or walk your pent up frustrations, disappointments, and anger off. You will have more clarity after a bout of aerobic exercise. Cardiovascular exercise increases your metabolism. It will help you control the body weight normally gained this time of year. Your heart will become stronger. You can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart attack risks through regular aerobic exercise.

Dont Do It Alone

Your goals should be individualistic. However, exercising is something you shouldnt keep only for yourself. If you are beginning to exercise, why dont you find a fitness buddy? Maybe there is a friend or family member that does not exercise. You will be giving them the gift of health. Plus, you can hold each other accountable for your fitness goals. If that doesnt work for you, attend a group exercise class. Group exercises classes are a great place to make new friends, learn new exercises, and relieve stress. There are dozens of classes offered so go after what interests you.


By now you should clearly see all the benefits regular strength training and cardiovascular exercise can bring you. I want you to encourage you today to reach and aim high for your goals. Nothing is holding you back. Take a step of faith and find the world of opportunities that will open up to you.

About Me

Who in the world am I and why should you listen to me? My name is Seth Albright. I am a graduate of Marshall University with a degree in exercise physiology, trainer, speaker, and writer. I have suffered from SAD and depression for many years. I have been in your shoes. However, I made the choice to do something about and so can you! I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this article. Please email me at or visit my website at

My name is Seth Albright. I am a graduate of Marshall University. I am a trainer, speaker, and writer dealing with correcting weight loss and mental health issues through exercise. Ancre Blog44945
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